Why It is overwhelming for beginner copywriter to search for client and work.

Before I tell you about the main reason, I want to tell you about my story of being a 6 figure copywriter and how I started out. When I was starting as a copywriter I was just more into learning and less into searching. What I mean by that is I was just reading books and taking courses and wondering How near I’m towards my goal of being the least paying copywriter. Later I found that copywriter is not about learning and applying it’s about “TEST AND TRIALS”.

2 min readNov 4, 2020

I read this quote from a book( I exactly don’t remember the name of the book, but it says “Copywriters are like a featherless bird who falls from the peak and grow the feather before crashing on the ground.”

And then I prepared myself for seeking not Hiding. I told myself enough reading now do what is IMPORTANT. Then I started to write Daily blogs on EzineArticles,(though they were not that good)BUT what it does is help me build my portfolio, client will not see what you wrote but will see did you write. and that also empowers me to do more.

Later I connected with various companies I found on google shopping and found many of them need help from copywriters. But they are unaware of the work of copywriters. Copywriters should not be termed as an expense as they should get paid according to the results they produce.

Then I tried to prove to myself that I can MAke them profit. And it wouldn’t be a headache for them to pay me as a commission-based worker. As my work provided them with much value.

I added the work I have done for them in my portfolio. And asked them to do a video testimonial and a written one and also asked for at least 5 referrals.

When I was starting out I had no website\proffessional email and no money.and while I provided them with value first some of them paid a good buck. I built a by7 website and necessary things to get myself into the realm of a high paying copywriter. From then I never had to look back. Now I turn the clients with whom I don’t need or not like to work with.

I know it is a bit overwhelming at the beginning but small steps will lead to the destination. Consistency and hard work beat talent.As it is said that, “World is filled with unsuccessful talent people.

Let’s recap the point:

1.provide value first

2.get testimonial for credibility

3.ask for referrals.

